Pet Urine Odor Removal
Many pet owners have the problem that their pet urinates on the carpet and leaves a urine odor behind. Unfortunately, in many cases the...

Cabin Air Filter Replacement
Another cabin air filter was pulled out of a car today to demonstrate the importance of changing the filter regularly. This is what you...

Use of ozone for air disinfection
Use of Ozone for air disinfection

Wildfire Smoke Odor in your Home How to Remove it?
Wildfires in California have been causing a lot of problems for homeowners and businesses and even damage and complete destruction of...

Warning about Ozone
There is a lot of warning about Ozone. It is an irritant to the respiratory system, but not toxic. It is also how nature itself cleans...

Cabin Air Filter Replacement
We recommend to replace your cabin air filter especially in a smoker car. This is a photo of a cabin air filter from the last smoker car...

Odor Removal after Smoke/Fire Damage
After the fire has been extinguished, smoke damage lingers, becoming the most pressing issue. Standard cleaning methods or masking the...